It is our honor to welcome you to the Andrews Business & Community Alliance website. The Alliance is a subsidiary of the Greater Prince George’s Business Roundtable.
The most effective tool for engaging with fellow business owners and those in the know regarding processes and procedures at Joint Base Andrews is the Alliance.

More importantly, it is a means to aid in impacting the lives of the men and women who serve our nation in the United States Air Force and all of our Armed Services.
Our diverse membership meshes the business, civic, faith, and public sector communities in providing advocacy and support for Joint Base Andrews. Our group also touches the lives of those serving our country on the front lines and has made the men and women of Joint Base Andrews our own extended family. There are no words to describe how proud I am of the people and companies that make up this organization.
Your participation in the Alliance means more than just adding to your bottom line. It brings about an awareness of the needs of our service men and women, thus ensuring that they have the best in materiel and facilities. As a county and as a nation, we call upon the military to be prepared for war and peace. We stand ready to help meet the needs of the men and women on the base as well as the needs of the businesses and citizens that comprise the neighboring communities of Prince George’s County. Only then can we live up to our motto: Standing Next to Those Who Preserve Our Nation’s Freedoms.

M.H. Jim Estepp
President & CEO, Greater Prince George’s Business Roundtable and the Andrews Business & Community Alliance